Opening in 1987, the Kingston, NY Tex-Mex restaurant Armadillo was one of the first restaurants in the area to add a website, launching one in 1999. In 2007, with the help of William Reagan, they put up one of the most iconic local web designs ever, with bombastic GIFs of glowing Armadillos, neon black green and red jalapeno icons, and statements like “WE SERVE OUR MARGARITAS COLD AND OUR FOOD HOT” or “Food for the Gypsy in your Soul.”
Late last year, the business was bought back by some of the original kitchen team, and they’ve been hard at work to bring the restaurant back to its former glory while making critical updates. We were honored to be hired to design and build their new website, taking great inspiration from their classic web design, featuring neon armadillo GIFs, glowing red and black jalapenos and the ability to order online and view mobile-optimized menus.